Few men can wear lipstick the way Boy George can. But Euan Morton has been taking tips from George on everything from how to apply lipgloss to how to carry a tune. Euan, 24, from Falkirk, Scotland, will portray the fashion and rock icon in a musical entitled Taboo."In the show, George is just one part of a huge cog - it's about everyone who was instrumental in the Eighties club scene," says Euan, who has never sung professionally before.
Much of what went on will be introduced into the show by fictional characters, played by Gemma Craven, Luke Evans and Dianne Pilkington, while other actors will portray real-life Eighties figures including Marilyn, Steve Strange, Phillip Salon and Leigh Bowery.
"It's about families, and the mother, played by Gemma (Craven), is a very important character," George told me at a run-through of the show's first act. The production, staged by director Christopher Renshaw, features classic Culture Club numbers, including Do You Really Want To Hurt Me and Karma Chameleon, as well as new numbers written by George and two collaborators.
Taboo opens at The Venue, a converted church crypt just off Leicester Square, London, with previews from January 11. Call 0870 899 3335 for ticket details.
Special thanks to www.cyber-chameleon.com for this article.
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