Everyone is on tender hooks as the new Station Officer is due to arrive. However, when Sicknote spots a flash car pull into the yard, the watch is surprised to see Recall step out of the new motor in a new set of designer clothes! Hyper keeps rushing to the toilet, while Geoff has smuggled Bruno into the office, because Fiona is allergic to him! Dan has brought the lunch as Maggie has a day off, and the rest of the Watch are worried its too "green". George is in a mood and bites Hyper's head off for asking where Chris went. Recall throws his old anorak in the bin, but Joe saves it for later. Eventually the new Guv'nor arrives in his old Morris Minor car. He introduces himself as Stn Officer John Coleman, and calls role call almost immediately. Coleman announces that Shadbrook's appliance bay is being renovated, so Carman and Hi-Ho are at Blackwall in the TL. He also informs them that they are going to practice some drills at "the grotto" which is a Brigade training centre.
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At the grotto, George, Sicknote, Recall and Hyper are sent to do a high expansion foam drill where they enter a load of foam to find a casualty. Meanwhile outside, Carman is rigging up a rescue line exercise using the TL. Joe is fastened into the harness when Hi-Ho suddenly pulls him up off the ground! Coleman sees it and tells them to get him down quickly. Then the watch plus Hi-Ho and Carman have to slip and pitch the 135, with jets hauled aloft. Shadbrook do it quicker than Blackwall, so Dan hurrys the watch up, they are just lowering the 135, Sicknote hurts his back and they drop the 135 almost on Coleman's feet! Kelly calls on Fiona and tells her that she thinks George knows about her and Chris.... Coleman gives the watch a bollocking, especially Dan and tells him no-one is indispensible...
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Back at Blackwall, Sally, Joe and Hyper are told to sort out the BA, while Hi-Ho sorts out the appliances. Dan goes upstairs to find Maggie in the kitchen. She agrees to leave Dan alone, but will whip up a Treacle pudding.... Much to the relief of the watch! Joe and Hyper are taking the mick out of Sally in the BA room as she tries to learn some songs and Joe and Hyper suggest they are the backing group and are mucking about to the song "Tragedy" as Coleman walks past... Sicknote asks Pearce if he can leave early as Owen is going back to his real parents, but Pearce declines. Coleman walks in and asks if there isn't anything wrong, and just as he walks out, Bruno whines. Coleman comes back in and Pearce has to explain why Bruno is there. Coleman tells him to shift him out of the station, into the yard. His face is classic! The watch is tucking into Dan's Thai curry when Hyper starts to play pranks on Hi-Ho, who obviously retaliates. Pearce starts to show his honeymoon snaps from Egypt, and as he goes through, suddenly a slide of some nudists is shown! (Joe's doing). Luckily for Pearce, the bells go off and the pump crew is called away to a skip fire, with Coleman replacing Pearce to familiarise himself with the ground. When they arrive, there are two kids nearby who the police are talking to. Sicknote volunteers to have a word and gives them a horror story to get them to think before doing it again, while the rest quickly put out the small fire. As the pump arrives back, they find everybody standing downstairs in a sombre mood. They all go out into the yard and cremate Recall's anorak!!
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Meanwhile, in a room above a taxi office, three drug dealers get into a scuffle and one is knocked into a table with loads of drugs and a bunsen burner on it. The man is then set on fire and staggers downstairs setting the whole of the top floor and the stairs on fire. He staggers out of the door and is knocked over by a passing lorry, which then causes two cars following behind to plough into it. The initial call to control indicates a clean up after a RTA, so Blackwall's pump is sent. Just as they are leaving, Griggs arrives to see how Coleman is getting on. As soon as the crew arrive, they realise it is more than just a clean up and make pumps two for full RTA Attendance.
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Griggs is just going through the bad points of the watch as the call comes in for the pump ladders attendance at the RTA. Sally meanwhile is looking after the dealer under the lorry, while the other two dealers are trapped upstairs as they went back for the drugs. One woman is trapped in a car and Sicknote climbs in to try and cut her free. Sally has to revive the dealer as he stops breathing. Eventually with the help of a policewoman, they revive him. He is sick and rolls over, so that Sally can see he is badly burnt, so she calls over Pearce. Although they can't see any sign of fire, Dan and Pearce starts to search the shops, but cant find anything due to the fire being behind a steel door.
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Sally then sees smoke coming out of the taxi office, so Pearce makes pumps 4. Dan tries to break down the door, but he can't. Sally clears a DIY store next door, but as she does so, the ceiling starts to collapse, and runs out and tells them the place is full of paint and is going to blow. Coleman orders everyone back, and Recall has to sprint away, but the shop front explodes sending Recall flying into the car...
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